Vectors 4
Vectors 5



This little ''Tux'' come from the gallery ''Tux Factory'' of the ChrystalXP website. When i have seen this funny collection, i downloaded maybe 200 of the most beautiful ones and i decided to participate.

The concept is about ''Ubuntu'' from Africa (Houba! Houba!) who want to do competition to the giant ''Bill''!

A mix of ''Ubuntu'' and ''X'' system for the ''Tux''.
Finally, in French ''OS'' for operating system is bone!

For the vectors gallery, i put most of the demos that i made for my students of sec 3 to 5. They had to start from 0 and to create a virtual player's skin. The software was Adobe Illustrator.

The others are personal works to test ''Inkscape'' and ''Xara Xtreme''. The ''Tux'' was done on Xara Xtreme.
